Surprise Event:
Postcards for All Members

As pandemic COVID-19 stroke the world without any hint, we believed that every members in Malaysia are the same with us – we are all missing about the food in Shanghai, the friends that we have not been meeting for a long time, and the “second home” that is 3629km away from us.

Although we are not able to return now or any sooner, but at this very moment, we, MSAS has secretly planned a surprise event for every member.

– We secretly sent a postcard to each and every member in Malaysia –

Design 1

The three circles on the postcards represent windows, we are watching three different sceneries from them. First window has the landmark of Malaysia , while the third one has the landmark of Shanghai. At the center is the national flower of the two places, hibiscus and peony. Like our meeting with all MSAS members, we are creating a scenery like these elements from Malaysia and Shanghai.

Tan Guan Ming, President of MSAS

Design 2

Malaysia or Shanghai – wherever you are, we will always be by your side!

Ooi Xue Yi, Vice President of MSAS

Design 3 – Initial Resolution

There are two ways to understand this illustration (image 2) – some might see a girl sitting on the cliff while looking at the starting point afar, like the initial resolution that she had long lost; Some might see a girl sitting high above, looking at the sky, the sky that she reached while holding onto her initial resolution. Too often, we walked for too long and too far, that we forgot why did we started. On the cliff, everyone sees different sceneries from their eyes. The message that this postcard wants to send is that no matter how far you have reached, you can still remember your initial resolution.

Design 4 – Determination

The starting point that can’t be seen, and the ending point that seemed too far away – will these really lead us to the wonderland or utopia that we had longed for? Will there be any result in the end if I just hang on a little longer? I believe, that as long as you are on the right path, don’t forget that you are always moving forward. Beautiful sceneries will always be with you, this journey will also teach you something in the end.

Joy Liang, Marketing Director of MSAS

Design 5 – Balloon of Dream

Every single person that has left his or her hometown will definitely have their own worries, helplessness and fear. Holding a balloon by her own, it carries her anticipation and dreams, that is her picture of Shanghai, her future university life, and her dream inside the deepest part of her heart – who would have the heart to puncture the balloon that carries countless expectations?

Chong Jing Wen, Marketing Director of MSAS

Design 6 – See You in Shanghai

Since March, many people should have gone through countless important events in life like graduation, internships, experiments, orientation, etc., but due to the impact of the pandemic, they cannot return to school and in the end, have to miss these rare opportunities. The dark parts around the illustration are like the wailing sound of us international students, and the window and sunlight in the center of the picture are a beam of light in the dark, guiding us to continue walking!
This illustration depicts my deepest longing. I hope that in the near future, we can fly together and return to Shanghai to continue enriching our life of studying abroad. See you in Shanghai!

Weng Yih Feng, Member of MSAS

Planning this special event, we hope to deliver our warmth to each and every member during this period where negativity is always around.

Although we cannot return to Shanghai at the moment, we believe that one day, we will be able to meet again, and till that moment, we will be the better person that we had always wanted to be, while still having the same initial heart of us from the start.

YouTube video

“Only after a storm one can be able to see the rainbow,
But we hope that everyone finds the joy of dancing in the rain.
In the future, MSAS will continue to deliver warmth to our members.
Like our motto: servicing all Malaysian students that are studying in Shanghai.”

– MSAS, 04 Nov 2020

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